Executive Distict Officer CDD Department
Community Development Department consists of hard working people, where most of the staff are always ready to solve the problems no doubt that we in Dadu developed the district facilities and a number of people having a good benefit from our works. We confidently believe in hard working and always be honest for any one.People in the District Dadu they have got a good benefit form our depratment cdd , A large amount of people in Dadu in which one of you people can beleive us and we are sure that every one beleives in hard working of the district dadu cdd departemnt which is the department under the administration of (Executive District Officer Cdd) . According to the instuctions of our cdd officer we are enhancing more facilities in our district by which the people in our district can get a good benefit.
Programs Arranged In Our District
As Well as all other departments. Our Community Development Department is also improving the arrangement programs in dadu .More work and more places and additional activities for the purposes of business takes the departments of Community Development Department is always valuable for those offices under which the programs are arranged and Community Development Deparment Try its best works.All the arrangements and all the works in any programs by Community Development Department are under the Administration of (Executive District Officer Community Development Department, District Dadu).The (Executive District Officer Community Development Department, District Dadu) always do his best works for District Dadu ,The people of District Dadu And The Officers Of District Dadu.
Website Building Certificate Goverment Of Sindh:
This Website has been published by district goverment dadu under the domain of webnode for the deparments of the district.
You Can Vote Your Opinion Here
You Can Vote By Clicking Here For The Works done by Community Development Deparment Team Under The Administration Of (Executive District Officer Cdd) (38)
No ,Problem And If You Are Neutral Vote Here (16)
If There Is Any Think By Which The Cdd Deparment Can Help To Corporate With You ,You Are allowed to share you feed back to us so the department will convey the following problems to the (Exectuive District Officer Cdd) (22)
Total votes: 76
آپ دوستانہ اشتراک کر سکتے ہیں کسی بھی مسئلہ کے بغیر کمیونٹی کی ترقی کے یہاں محکمہ کے بارے میں اپنے خیالا
09/05/2011 20:51———
Welcome to Our New Website
09/05/2011 20:50———